Forget WhatsApp: You need personal privacy from an app you’ve probably never heard of

What Makes A Secure Messaging App?

We believe that security is not just about encryption but about personal privacy.  The following list details the considerations people should have when using a messaging app:

  • Are your messages encrypted at all stages of the communication including while static on your device?
  • Is the encryption end-to-end so the messaging company can’t access your communications?
  • Can you control what happens to the content that you send?
  • Can you pull back messages even after they have been read?
  • Does it have a secret area where sensitive messages and content can be protected behind a password?
  • Can you completely erase your app data if you lose your device?
  • Are you able to send password protected messages?
  • Can you scramble the content of your messages to stop people reading over your shoulder?
  • Can you prevent people taking screenshots, or forwarding your content on?

While on their own these dimensions don’t guarantee that a messaging app is secure or that your content won’t be abused, they highlight the apps that ahave not taken their users privacy requirements seriously. Even more importantly, if an app fails any of the criteria it can be considered unsecure to some degree.


If it’s popular, It’s probably insecure

The results of the following table are quite disturbing. Of the most popular communication apps — WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Hike, QQ, and Kik — only n-gage passed all the checks… way ahead of the competition.



Personal Privacy is what’s important

There are countless threats to your privacy online. From hackers to the government. Even Googling things related to online privacy can get you on an NSA watch list.

But, whilst the media focuses on government monitoring, unless you are up to no good it is not the biggest problem you have.  

What you want to be more careful of is your personal privacy when you send someone a message.  How can you be sure that they won’t abuse it in some way?  Screenshot an embarrassing photo; forward on something that you sent to them by accident, or worse, blackmail you with exposure of intimate and private messages from an ended relationship.

You need to be in control of your content, what you send today may seem harmless but if relationships break down I know there are lots of messages out there that people would want to either delete or retract to avoid the worry of someone exposing them.

You should be using a messaging app that protects you as much as possible.

Introducing n-gage…

n-gage messenger iOS Download_on_the_App_Store   n-gage messenger google-play-button

n-gage encourages creative, personalised messaging and unrivalled user privacy so you can still have fun whilst staying in complete control of your content. In addition, by choosing n-gage you are helping sick, disabled and underprivileged people as we support many charitable causes around the world. n-gage: The first lifestyle messenger app that’s Private, Playful and Transforming Lives.

n-gage messenger has more than 13 unique privacy features designed to keep you in control of your content.

Set up a ‘Private Vault’ to store all your sensitive contacts, messages and images.

Ever experienced sender’s regret? With n-gage messenger you can use ‘Extract’ to call back your messages or even entire conversations.

Make sure your message is read by the right person; password protect it with ‘Safe Chat’.

Want to auto delete a message once someone has read it? ‘Blink’ it

Turn on Stealth Mode to make yourself invisible to selected friends in their contact list and keep you anonymous in any group chats.

With end to end encryption of messages on your phone and in transit as standard; the ability to scramble your chat’s to stop snoopers and the option to prevent copying, forwarding, emailing or screenshotting; n-gage is the must have Lifestyle Messenger that keeps you in control.

With a whole host of playful personalisation features to discover and enjoy, n-gage enables you to express yourself in a whole new way!

Want to change the look and feel of n-gage then use ‘App Makeover’ to reflect your mood; or ‘Chat Makeover’ to set a theme for a conversation that expresses your emotions.

n-gage messenger brings your messages to life with fun & playful features such as Stickers, Greeting Cards & Doodle Plus

Still want more?

Regardless of whether they have n-gage, make Video Calls and send messages to your connections on WhatsApp, Facebook, Hike and others.

Arrange 1-to-1 and group video calls with anyone. Just set a date and time, and invite up to 10 friends to join!

Frustrated with irrelevant group messages that you are not interested in? – With n-gage, you can divide groups into separate topics so you only interact with the chats that interest you.

n-gage messenger iOS Download_on_the_App_Storen-gage messenger google-play-button